Evolution of CAD in the Engineering sector

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CAD technology has brought incredible changes in the AEC sector. Computer-aided designs are simple to understand proving of great help to designers, engineers, and contractors for expediting the completion of projects successfully. Every company irrespective of its size is familiar with the CAD concept and has adopted the same. Thus, the adoption of CAD is witnessed at a rapid pace. However, technology is evolving continuously and CAD is no exception to this. CAD technology has evolved over time and a lot more is expected in coming times.

The paper/manual drafting is taken over/replaced by the digitized CAD software allowing designers and engineers to visualize and do the drafting efficiently. CAD usage is not only limited to designers but it is being used by a diverse range of users coming from various industries like- dentistry, interior designing, automotive, manufacturing, forensics, aerospace, etc. Thus, CAD serves as a digital design solution for all. From 2D to 3D, 3D to parametric designs are some of the remarkable advancements witnessed in CAD software. Though these advancements are remarkable they are not enough to meet the current AEC industry which is evolving with new technologies continuously.

The CAD drafting is becoming so popular, there is an enormous demand for CAD services to be provided for the projects. Though one of the emerging technologies- BIM is being adopted and implemented by a majority of the companies, CAD still holds a firm grip over the workflow. Thereby, many CAD to BIM services as well as CAD drafting services are noticed to be very much in demand.

The utilization of CAD is a performance-driven advancement above the traditional designing practices. CAD is not new; however, it is advancing/maturing and getting efficient with persistent digital transformation intervention. Now, let us take a dive into the latest and booming CAD trends helping the industries to achieve better outcomes. We’ll be focusing on the top 5 trends in CAD software.

Top 5 CAD Trends of 2021

  1. CAD and Cloud: This is one of the latest trends in computer-aided design technologies. This majorly involves the worldwide access of the software and files on multiple devices at any time, obviously with data security. Some of the benefits of this trend include ease in updating work/software, higher mobility, enhanced storage capacity, easy collaboration, cost, and time reduction.
  2. 3D Printing: This is one of the latest trends in computer-aided design technologies. This majorly involves the worldwide access of the software and files on multiple devices at any time, obviously with data security. Some of the benefits of this trend include ease in updating work/software, higher mobility, enhanced storage capacity, easy collaboration, cost, and time reduction.
  3. Mobile access to CAD: This trend is actually a game-changer for the people in the industry. Mobile access and mobility are important features for organizations and people. Mobile access allows designers to access tools, apps, and other relevant data from anywhere and at any time. Business can happen anywhere and is not restricted to working hours. Also, the client/customers can review their designs at a go on their smartphones. Some of the benefits of this trend include increased productivity, easy usage, improved mobility.
  4. Mobile access to CAD This trend is actually a game-changer for the people in the industry. Mobile access and mobility are important features for organizations and people. Mobile access allows designers to access tools, apps, and other relevant data from anywhere and at any time. Business can happen anywhere and is not restricted to working hours. Also, the client/customers can review their designs at a go on their smartphones. Some of the benefits of this trend include increased productivity, easy usage, improved mobility.
  5. AI and IoT:

    IoT and AI are amongst the latest trends in computer designing which are eye-catchers reshaping the CAD sector. CAD software leveraging AI and IoT technologies makes designs more accurate, improved, comprehensive, sustainable, and resourceful. It can also be exploited to streamline and automate related activities. Some of the benefits of this upcoming trend include incredible performance, elimination of design redundancy/repetitions, time-saving.

    There is a boom of the generative design approach in the industry. It is all about boosted co-designing with robust AI support as a proactive approach making it able to think. To put it simply, generative design allows engineers and designers to create multiple unique design combinations and choose the ultimate design solution as an ideal one. With the use of generative design, even a beginner can optimize design solutions swiftly and efficiently. This can eventually lead to cost and time savings, productive and resourceful outcomes having a huge impact in the coming years.

  6. Customized CAD: This trend is supposed to amplify in the coming years. As mentioned prior, the usage of CAD is diversified in different sectors. Hence, CAD software could be customizable and specialized allowing users to have access to the tools and features they are most likely to use encouraging personalization. This personalization can be beneficial to increase productivity, easy usage, save time.
  7. What next to expect from CAD ?

    Fully immersive 3D experience with CAD, Voice control integration, Touch-based/Gesture-based CAD interface, improved speed, etc. are some of the other technologies to be watched evolving with CAD in the mere future.

    CAD has matured and transformed drastically over the years. It is expected to continue evolving and improvising in the coming times. CAD solutions and trends facilitate the concerned industries to take a lead and operate more in less time. The latest dynamic trends push CAD to the next level for achieving impeccable outcomes and adapt to the ever-evolving world of digital transformation considering the need for time and industry preferences.

    So, let’s get ready to welcome the new era of CAD!!